Friday, April 1, 2011

This week is ok.

Well, this week was surviveable. That teacher Santhi is being a real pain in the ass. She gets pissed off and wants our parents to sign the damn books again. Fuck it. She's just too damn annoying. When she teaches, We're all like:"Why so fast????" She's too damn last minute, when fees were supposed to be paid a month ago, she only tells us the next month. And if we don't pay up, she threatens us with calling parents. Shit, THE FUCK IF I CARE. If you want to call them FINE. Just be a bitch and do that. Even doing this to us when u can't make your goddamn deadline. Not just that but she suspects me and nisha are in a romance. WTF? Yeah we talk a lot and sing from time to time but that doesn't mean she has a romantice intrest in me right? Damn... But still, this weak had it's good points as well. I got to hug her this week, and that brightens me up, problem is that she wants privacy. Not talking about Nisha here, I'm talking about someone else. Anyways, God forbid me if the words I'm using are bad but, as I said. In this world, there is no god. Only the cruel greed of human beings. I'm expressing myself through the internet and that feels a little low for me. But still, I am a teenager so whatever.

Chicken Rice doesn't go good with Teh Ice,

I'm Back.

I'm back. Blogging felt like i was talking to myself but I guess that's what it was all about. Anyways, i wanna express myself through the blog. My pain, my anger, my sorrow and my regrets... So yeah. Time to time again I'll be doing this shitz all over again.

Screw life and it's rules,